There are many ways to support your local Mountain Bike Association.

Donate Any Amount using PayPal or Credit/Debit

Click the DONATE button to donate any amount directly to SIMBA using PayPal or credit/debit card.  All donations go directly towards trail stewardship and events in Lemhi County.  Thank you for supporting your trails!

Donate a fixed amount using PayPal, Venmo, or Credit/Debit

Donate a Fixed Amount

INSTRUCTIONS: Select an amount, then select your payment method to complete your payment.  For Venmo payments, mobile users will complete the transaction using the Venmo app.  Note – the Venmo button will only appear on iOS Safari or Android Chrome browsers, and only if the Venmo app is installed on your device.  Make sure that web-based transactions are enabled in the app.  Desktop users will need to scan the QR code with their mobile device and pay using the Venmo app.  If you don’t see the Venmo button below, try using Chrome as your browser.

Become a Member

Attend an Event or Volunteer at a Trail Work Day

Check our ‘What’s New’ page for upcoming SIMBA events.